Brenham Auto began nearly thirty years ago, selling Wix & Napa filters & accessories from their brick and mortar store in Brenham, Texas. In 2005, the original online store was created to take the company’s sales philosophy to a national level.
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Tags: Miva Merchant, online stores, sell online, seo, Success
Miva Merchant 5.5 Wombat should be release within the first couple weeks on January 2010. Check out these Miva Merchant 5.5 Wombat – Inventory at The Attribute Level videos by Rick Wilson, Executive Vice President of Miva Merchant.
✔ Read more about "Miva Merchant 5.5 Wombat – Inventory at The Attribute Level" ☞
Tags: eCommerce, Miva Merchant, online stores, shopping cart
Excellent instructions on implementing Google Analytics into Miva Merchant 5.5 for important data tracking including sales, site search and a funnel of the standard checkout steps.
✔ Read more about "Installing Google Analytics In Miva Merchant 5.5" ☞
Tags: eCommerce, Miva Merchant, online stores, sell online, Success
Scot Miller, owner of Great Lakes Amusement, has been building and selling quality Cherry Master 8 Liner Video Games since 1993. was created using Miva Merchant to add online purchasing to his already established brick and mortar store, based in Green Bay, Wisconsin.
✔ Read more about "Miva Merchant Store Search Engine Optimization Spotlight:" ☞
Tags: Miva Merchant, online stores, sell online, shopping cart, Success
A Web designer who is more interested in winning awards than ensuring your pages do what they are intended may make a page pretty but many times, pretty doesn’t result in a desired action.
✔ Read more about "There Is More To Optimization Than SEO!" ☞
Gmail’s Mail Fetcher can send and receive messages from up to five other email accounts, centralizing all your email in Gmail. Read Google’s information center for Mail Fetcher »
Tags: email